Huge Spider Solitaire -

Huge Spider Solitaire: The classic Spider Solitaire game with 4 decks instead of 2. Clear all cards from the game by grouping all cards in sets of 13 in sequence from King to Ace and in suit. Groups of cards in the correct order and same suit can be moved as 1 unit. You can only move a card or a sequence on a card if that is 1 higher in sequence. You can also move a card (or sequence) to an empty spot. Click on the closed deck (top left) to deal new cards. A Card game.

The classic Spider Solitaire game with 4 decks instead of 2. Clear all cards from the game by grouping all cards in sets of 13 in sequence from King to Ace and in suit. Groups of cards in the correct order and same suit can be moved as 1 unit. You can only move a card or a sequence on a card if that is 1 higher in sequence. You can also move a card (or sequence) to an empty spot. Click on the closed deck (top left) to deal new cards.

    1. Elahe904163,030
    1. Antonella,ita161,980
    1. Hotpink156,270
    1. Hotgarlic153,245
    1. stvn139,890
    1. RL.Bologna.Ita132,640
    1. joschi1024124,540
    1. keri123,425
    1. faster2122,755
    1. prijsbeest121,600
    1. ruza1951120,910
    1. manresano119,655
    1. AEK21119,330
    1. frnc118,280
    1. mehor115,550
    1. Nicoleta58110,210
    1. True_Colours107,230
    1. zelenkka106,210
    1. etgohome104,135
    1. Täzzi102,605
    1. zonnebloem102,450
    1. vries61bol94,330
    1. kuba7594,155
    1. Judd92,035
    1. hatchoe86,745
    1. Faylyn86,250
    1. Reija86,140
    1. joosep85,580
    1. OHfaith84,420
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